
An interesting response to the BBC and Assisted Dying‘the-right-to-die’-but-watch-out-that’s-a-phrase-with-a-sinister-history/


BBC Assisted Suicide programme

It seems that the majority of people who contacted the BBC after it broadcast a programme featuring Terry Pratchett travelling to Switzerland where he was filmed watching someone being assisted to die.

The broadcaster said 82 people had contacted it to praise the show after it was broadcast, while a total of 898 had complained, 162 of them after the broadcast.


Message from Baroness Jane Campbell

“Terry Pratchett documentary was a highly biased way to highlight the deeply complex and emotive issues surrounding assisted suicide. Please complain to the BBC today. Please ask for a documentary explaining why large numbers of disabled and terminally ill people fear a change in the law as advocated in the Terry Pratchett documentary. This must be done by the end of the week for maximum impact. Thank you
Programme title:
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Transmission date:
Complaint category:
Complaint summary:
A biased argument promoting assisted suicide. It is easy to do.  Google BBC complaints and you just fill in a form on the website.  Numbers matter so get those mouses clicking.
Full complaint:
A biased argument that promoted Assisted suicide and failed to give a balanced argument from disabled and terminally ill people who fear the consequences of legalising assisted dying. The documentary focused on those that were dying giving only a cursory coverage of someone who chose to live in a hospice. I have yet to see a documentary that investigates in depth people who choose to live and what support services they receive in order to prolong their life with dignity, as opposed to ending it prematurely. Without balanced representation the argument of assisted suicide becomes one-sided and more misinformed people will believe that assisted suicide is the most humane course of action to take. Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die documentary perpetuates the negative bleak attitude society already has towards disability/terminal illness, delivering the message that death is better than becoming dependent on others”.

Terry Pratchett and Newsnight

Last night saw the screening of the BBC programme which showed Terry Pratchett going to Switzerland to watch an assisted suicide. This was followed by a studio discussion chaired by Jeremy Paxman and featured Liz Carr live and a very brief interview with Baroness Campbell. If you missed either of these you can watch them on BBC Iplayer. Personally I thought Liz and Jane were impressive given those ranged against them which included Debbie Purdy who made less and less sense as the programme unfolded. If you saw the programmes drop us a note telling us what you thought.


BBC assisted suicide programme

BBC assisted suicide programme is further evidence of corporation bias and runs risk of fuelling more suicides, says Care Not Killing

The Care Not Killing Alliance has heavily criticised the BBC’s decision to film and screen a man’s dying moments at the Dignitas suicide facility in a documentary fronted by Terry Pratchett due to be shown on 13 June.

A five-minute sequence in the BBC2 programme shows celebrity author Pratchett witnessing Peter, a British man in his early 70s who has motor neurone disease, taking his own life at the controversial Swiss facility.

CNK Campaign Director Dr Peter Saunders said, ‘This is yet another blatant example of the BBC playing the role of cheerleader in the vigorous campaign being staged by the pro-euthanasia lobby to legalise assisted suicide in Britain.’

To read the press release in full please visit



Important Poll


There is an online poll at:

You will find the poll by scrolling down on the screen.


The question is: Do you support Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s belief in the right to assisted suicide?

– Yes Everyone should have that choice?

– Depends on the Situation?

– No, suicide of any kind is wrong?

– I don’t really know?


The question is not accurate to our concerns but please vote NO anyway. The NO side is currently at 16%


The Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide that  took place this weekend in Vancouver BC (June 3 – 4) was the best Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. The new information and growth in a common direction was phenomenal.


There was a leaders meeting on Thursday afternoon (June 2) where we discussed the language and the current directions of the issues. We also discussed how to better brand our message and improve our unified message.


It was decided that Hugh Scher, the legal counsel for the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition was chosen to lead a process of examining our message and possible ideas arounding branding and imaging.


We then discussed working together and planning a unified growth strategy and we agreed that Alex Schadenberg (myself) would continue to chair the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International. Paul Russell (HOPE Australia), Peter Saunders (Care NOT Killing Alliance UK) Margaret Dore (Seattle Washington), Nancy Elliott (New Hampshire) and Mark Pickup (Human Life Matters – Edmonton AB) would join that committee. Subsequently, Paul Russell from Australia has been chosen to be the Vice-Chair.


The Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide created a unified team who are committed to a unified focus on an international basis.


It has also been determined that a European Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide will take place in Scotland in the first half of 2012 and an Australian (regional) Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide will take place in the second half of 2012.


The location and date for the Fourth International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide will be determined within the next year.


A package of DVD’s containing every presentation at the Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide can be ordered for $50.


Alex Schadenberg

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition




More News re Conference


Conference Opposed to Assisted Suicide

This is an interesting article and shows that disabled people and others across the world support our campaign.

Annual Symposium Focuses on Building Euthanasia Opposition


Disabled People Fear

Peter Saunders, a leader with the Care Not Killing Alliance in the UK, and a speaker at the upcoming Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, recently published an article concerning the recent Comres poll that found that 70% of people with disabilities were concerned that if legal, they would be pressured into dying by assisted suicide.


Stephen Drake Is Not Dead Yet

An interesting article worth a quick read

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